Medical design

Device for medical and aestetics treatments.

Category: Medicale
Venus is a modular system for aesthetic medicine treatments. It is an expandable device to handle different methods for the imperfections treatment, such as:
  1. cavitation
  2. carboxyterapy
  3. laser diode
  4. RF intimate
  5. electroporation
  6. pulsed light
  7. radiofrequency
  8. tecar
Each method has its module. These last are installed by the operator easily as the system recognizes them automatically. Venus has a 10 inch touch screen, USB ports and WiFi connectivity for the automatic updates. Watch the sample video.
Metodiche e trattamenti efficaci
L’unione di diverse metodiche agisce su più fronti contemporaneamente, amplificando l’efficacia di ognuno di esse. Quando agli ultrasuoni è abbinata la radiofrequenza si raddoppia l’efficacia del trattamento, non solo in termini di centimetri in meno ma anche di compattezza della pelle.
– Dr Stefan Dima – Centri U.S.I Roma

We took care of production,
from prototyping to final molds,
and finished product.